Wednesday, July 14, 2010


This summer, I got an internship with Micah Challenge Canada, a Christian organization that aims to equip and mobilize churches to be advocates for social justice issues. I'm about halfway done, and I have definitely learned a lot. I've had the unique experience of working with other like-hearted organizations like Make Poverty History and it's always energizing when you're surrounded by like-minded and like-hearted individuals. It doesn't necessarily mean that you will agree on the same methodology, but there is a similar purpose that unites us all.

I've also had the opportunity to take a summer course called "Theology of the Holy Spirit." This course has revolutionized my thinking about Christianity and my life in general. It has opened my eyes to things I normally wouldn't have a problem with and now am faced with trying to answer those questions that a transformative doctrine forces you to do.

I still need to get my readings done. There are a couple of books that I would like to read. One of them is John Locke's "Two treatises on government" and the other is Charles Taylor's "Multiculturalism and the Politics of Recognition." Hopefully, I'd be able to read at least one of them this summer! I would love to read more for sure!

I don't know what my future looks like. I'm quite scared to face it, to be honest. But, I have to rely on Someone Who is wiser than I am, and I trust that He will carry me through.

and scene...