Tuesday, January 10, 2012

One week later...

Just wanted to update yall about my progress in terms of my 2012 goals.

Yesterday, I went to the gym for the first time in 2012. It was brutal. There was definitely some muscle atrophy going on. I couldn't do things that I was capable of doing months ago. But, that's understandable. My goal is to go every Monday, Wednesday and Friday to the gym. For Tuesday and Thursday, I would like to do more cardio during those times. However, today was a definite fail because I didn't do it. I will go to the gym tomorrow to make myself feel better. 

I've also been trying to get into the habit of bringing a lunch everyday to work and having a treat every Friday. Previously, I bought lunch on a regular basis which is a complete waste of money. I'm trying to curtail my spending habits and I think this is one area where I can definitely save a lot of money by implementing my bring a lunch to work policy. 

The whole waking up at 6 am has not been going well. I would wake up but I end up going back to sleep or stay laying down and not doing anything (which is pointless!) The goal was to wake up so I can read my Bible and pray not to lie down and do nothing for an hour. I'm hoping to get that kick started again. 

All in all, I'm really excited about trying to achieve my goals for 2012. I'm experiencing some rough patches but I am very confident that I will be able to accomplish them with tenacity and perseverance. I am updating this blog a week after I said I would =) 

How about you? How are your New Year's resolutions or goals going so far?

and scene...

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